
All past news

06/2024 Check out our preprint Heavy tails and negative correlation in a binomial model for sports matches: applications to curling. We develop a binomial model for sports matches parameterised in terms of the maximum possible score and the probability of scoring in each trial. Our model is theoretically novel and can generate heavy tails and negative correlation in the scores of the two teams. From an empirical perspective results shed new light on the interplay between offensive and defensive strategies in eliete-level curling, as well as modelling the Last Stone First End, analogous to the home-field advantage in other sports. Read the paper here
03/2024 Our paper Faster identification of faster Formula 1 drivers via time-rank duality has been published on Economics Letters. We provide a novel approach to estimate race-winning probabilities, which leads to new insights regarding driver-level versus car-level effects, as well as a simplified Monte Carlo simulation algorithm. The paper can be found here. The annotated R code to reproduce the findings is here
01/2024 I am teaching the module Statistical Models at the University of Hull. This is a Year 2 module for the BSc in Mathematics 2023/24. Here are the module Webpage and Slides
12/2023 Our preprint Faster identification of faster Formula 1 drivers via time-rank duality is out. We provide a novel approach to estimate race-winning probabilities, which leads to new insights regarding driver-level versus car-level effects, as well as a simplified Monte Carlo simulation algorithm. The annotated R code to reproduce the findings is here
09/2023 During Term 1 of the current academic year 2023/24 I am leading the courses Numbers, Sequences and Series and Differential Geometry at the University of Hull. Follow the links for Lecture notes and Exercises
09/2023 From 4-8 September I am at the AIP 2023 conference in Göttingen (Germany). I am presenting in the minisymposium MS40: Dynamic Imaging on 5 September at 2pm, room VG2.107. Here are the slides
07/2023 Our paper Asymptotic linear convergence of Fully-Corrective Generalized Gradient methods has been published on Mathematical Programming. For a quick overview of the paper check out these slides. More detailed explanation here
06/2023 I have been accepted into the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PCAP) programme at the University of Hull. The programme is designed to develop my teaching practice in Higher Education, and will lead to a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Looking forward to start in September 2023!
05/2023 Happy to have joined the PRIMO Reserach Group. Looking forward to attend their talks on inverse problems, machine learning and optimization
04/2023 I became a member of IPIA, the Inverse Problems International Association
04/2023 My website is live
04/2023 Excited to start my new position as Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the University of Hull