Statistical Models

Appendix B

Appendix B:
More on R

Outline of Appendix B

  1. Functions in R
  2. More on Vectors
  3. Lists
  4. Data Frames
  5. Data Entry
  6. R Style Guide

Part 1:
Functions in R

Expressions and objects

  • Basic way to interact with R is through expression evaluation:
    • You enter an epression
    • The system evaluates it and prints the result
  • Expressions work on objects
  • Object: anything that can be assigned to a variable
  • Objects encountered so far are:
    • Scalars
    • Vectors

Functions and arguments

  • Functions are a class of objects

  • Format of a function is name followed by parentheses containing arguments

  • Functions take arguments and return a result

  • We already encountered several built in functions:

    • plot(x, y)
    • lines(x, y)
    • seq(x)
    • print("Stats is great!")
    • cat("R is great!")
    • mean(x)
    • sin(x)

Functions and arguments

  • Functions have actual arguments and formal arguments
  • Example:
    • plot(x, y) has formal arguments two vectors x and y
    • plot(height, weight) has actual arguments height and weight
  • When you write plot(height, weight) the arguments are matched:
    • height corresponds to x-variable
    • weight corresponds to y-variable
    • This is called positional matching

Functions and arguments

  • If a function has a lot of arguments, positional matching is tedious

  • For example plot() accepts the following (and more!) arguments

Argument Description
x x coordinate of points in the plot
y y coordinate of points in the plot
type Type of plot to be drawn
main Title of the plot
xlab Label of x axis
ylab Label of y axis
pch Shape of points

Functions and arguments

Issue with having too many arguments is the following:

  • We might want to specify pch = 2
  • But then we would have to match all the arguments preceding pch
    • x
    • y
    • type
    • xlab
    • ylab

Functions and arguments

  • Thankfully we can use named actual arguments:
    • The name of a formal argument can be matched to an actual argument
    • This is independent of position
  • For example we can specify pch = 2 by the call
    • plot(weight, height, pch = 2)
  • In the above:
    • weight is implicitly matched to x
    • height is implicitly matched to y
    • pch is explicitly matched to 2
  • Note that the following call would give same output
    • plot(x = weight, y = height, pch = 2)

Functions and arguments

  • Named actual arguments override positional arguments
  • Example: The following commands yield the same plot
    • plot(height, weight)
    • plot(x = height, y = weight)
    • plot(y = weight, x = height)

Functions and arguments

We have already seen another example of named actual arguments

  • seq(from = 1, to = 11, by = 2)
  • seq(1, 11, 2)
  • These yield the same output. Why?
  • Because in this case named actual arguments match positional arguments

Functions and arguments

If however we want to divide the interval [1, 11] in 5 equal parts:

  • Have to use seq(1, 11, length.out = 6)
seq(1, 11, length.out = 6)
[1]  1  3  5  7  9 11
  • The above is different from seq(1, 11, 6)
seq(1, 11, 6)
[1] 1 7
  • They are different because:
    • The 3rd positional argument of seq() is by
    • Hence the command seq(1, 11, 6) assumes that by = 6

Functions and arguments


  • You can call functions without specifying arguments
  • However you have to use brackets ()
  • Example:
    • getwd() – which outputs current working directory
    • ls() – which outputs names of objects currently in memory

Custom functions

  • You can define your own functions in R
  • Syntax for definining custom function my_function is below
  • You can call your custom function by typing
    • my_function(arguments)
my_function <- function(first = "1st argument", 
                        ... ,
                        nth = "n-th argument") {
  # Code here: This is where you tell the function what to do

  return(object)      # Object to be returned  

Custom functions – Example

  • The R function mean(x) computes the sample mean of vector x

  • We want to define our own function to compute the mean

  • Example: The mean of x could be computed via

    • sum(x) / length(x)
  • We want to implement this code into the function my_mean(x)

    • my_mean takes vector x as argument
    • my_mean returns a scalar – the mean of x
# Definition of custom function my_mean(x)
my_mean <- function(vector = x) {
  mean_of_x <- sum(x) / length(x)

Custom functions – Example

  • Let us use our function my_mean on an example
# Generate a random vector of 1000 entries from N(0,1)
x <- rnorm(1000)

# Compute mean of x with my_mean
xbar <- my_mean(x)

# Compute mean of x with built in function mean
xbar_check <- mean(x)
cat("Mean of x computed with my_mean is:", xbar)
cat("Mean of x computed with R mean is:", xbar_check)
cat("They coincide!")
Mean of x computed with my_mean is: 0.01087905
Mean of x computed with R mean is: 0.01087905
They coincide!

Part 2:
More on Vectors

More on vectors

  • We have seen vectors of numbers
  • Further type of vectors are:
    • Character vectors
    • Logical vectors

Character vectors

  • A character vector is a vector of text strings
  • Elements are specified and printed in quotes
x <- c("Red", "Green", "Blue")
[1] "Red"   "Green" "Blue" 
  • You can use single- or double-quote symbols to specify strings
  • This is as long as the left quote is the same as the right quote
x <- c('Red', 'Green', 'Blue')
[1] "Red"   "Green" "Blue" 

Character vectors

Print and cat produce different output on character vectors:

  • print(x) prints all the strings in x separately
  • cat(x) concatenates strings. There is no way to tell how many were there
x <- c("Red", "Green", "Blue")
[1] "Red"   "Green" "Blue" 
Red Green Blue
y <- c("Red Green", "Blue")
[1] "Red Green" "Blue"     
Red Green Blue

Logical vectors

  • Logical vectors can take the values TRUE, FALSE or NA
  • TRUE and FALSE can be abbreviated with T and F
  • NA stands for not available
# Create logical vector
x <- c(T, T, F, T, NA)

# Print the logical vector

Logical vectors

  • Logical vectors are extremely useful to evaluate conditions

  • Example:

    • given a numerical vector x
    • we want to count how many entries are above a value t
# Generate a vector containing sequence 1 to 8
x <- seq(from = 1 , to = 8, by = 1)

# Generate vector of flags for entries strictly above 5
y <- ( x > 5 )

cat("Vector x is: (", x, ")")
cat("Entries above 5 are: (", y, ")")
Vector x is: ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )

Logical vectors – Application

  • Generate a vector of 1000 numbers from N(0,1)
  • Count how many entries are above the mean 0
  • Since there are many (1000) entries, we expect a result close to 500
    • This is because sample mean converges to true mean 0

Question: How to do this?

Hint: T/F are interpreted as 1/0 in arithmetic operations

T + T
[1] 2
T + F
[1] 1
F + F
[1] 0
F + T + 3
[1] 4

Logical vectors – Application

  • The function sum(x) sums the entries of a vector x
  • We can use sum(x) to count the number of T entries in a logical vector x
x <- rnorm(1000)       # Generates vector with 1000 normal entries

y <- (x > 0)           # Generates logical vector of entries above 0

above_zero <- sum(y)   # Counts entries above zero

cat("Number of entries which are above the average 0 is", above_zero)
cat("This is pretty close to 500!")
Number of entries which are above the average 0 is 502
This is pretty close to 500!

Missing values

  • In practical data analysis, a data point is frequently unavailable
  • Statistical software needs ways to deal with this
  • R allows vectors to contain a special NA value - Not Available
  • NA is carried through in computations: operations on NA yield NA as the result
2 * NA
[1] NA
[1] NA
T + NA
[1] NA

Indexing vectors

  • Components of a vector can be retrieved by indexing

  • vector[k] returns k-th component of vector

vector <- c("Cat", "Dog", "Mouse")

second_element <- vector[2]           # Access 2nd entry of vector

[1] "Dog"

Replacing vector elements

To modify an element of a vector use the following:

  • vector[k] <- value stores value in k-th component of vector

vector <- c("Cat", "Dog", "Mouse")

# We replace 2nd entry of vector with string "Horse"
vector[2] <- "Horse"

[1] "Cat"   "Horse" "Mouse"

Vector slicing

Returning multiple items of a vactor is known as slicing

  • vector[c(k1, ..., kn)] returns components k1, ..., kn
  • vector[k1:k2] returns components k1 to k2
vector <- c(11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 100)

# We store 1st, 3rd, 5th entries of vector in slice
slice <- vector[c(1, 3, 5)]   

[1] 11 33 55

Vector slicing

vector <- c(11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 100)

# We store 2nd to 7th entries of vector in slice
slice <- vector[2:7]

[1] 22 33 44 55 66 77

Deleting vector elements

  • Elements of a vector x can be deleted by using
    • x[ -c(k1, ..., kn) ] which deletes entries k1, ..., kn
# Create a vector x
x <- c(11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 100)

# Print vector x
cat("Vector x is:", x)

# Delete 2nd, 3rd and 7th entries of x
x <- x[ -c(2, 3, 7) ]

# Print x again
cat("Vector x with 2nd, 3rd and 7th entries removed:", x)
Vector x is: 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 100
Vector x with 2nd, 3rd and 7th entries removed: 11 44 55 66 88 99 100

Logical Subsetting

  • You can index or slice vectors by entering explicit indices
  • You can also index vectors, or subset, by using logical flag vectors:
    • Element is extracted if corresponding entry in the flag vector is TRUE
    • Logical flag vectors should be the same length as vector to subset

Code: Suppose given a vector x

  • Create a flag vector by using

    • flag <- condition(x)
  • condition() is any function which returns T/F vector of same length as x

  • Subset x by using

    • x[flag]

Logical Subsetting


  • The following code extracts negative components from a numeric vector
  • This can be done by using
    • x[ x < 0 ]
# Create numeric vector x
x <- c(5, -2.3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 8, 10, 40221, -8)

# Get negative components from x and store them in neg_x
neg_x <- x[ x < 0 ]

cat("Vector x is:", x)
cat("Negative components of x are:", neg_x)
Vector x is: 5 -2.3 4 4 4 6 8 10 40221 -8
Negative components of x are: -2.3 -8

Logical Subsetting


  • The following code extracts components falling between a and b
  • This can be done by using logical operator and &
    • x[ (x > a) & (x < b) ]
# Create numeric vector
x <- c(5, -2.3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 8, 10, 40221, -8)

# Get components between 0 and 100
range_x <- x[ (x > 0) & (x < 100) ]

cat("Vector x is:", x)
cat("Components of x between 0 and 100 are:", range_x)
Vector x is: 5 -2.3 4 4 4 6 8 10 40221 -8
Components of x between 0 and 100 are: 5 4 4 4 6 8 10

The function Which

  • which() allows to convert a logical vector flag into a numeric index vector
    • which(flag) is vector of indices of flag which correspond to TRUE
# Create a logical flag vector
flag <- c(T, F, F, T, F)

# Indices for  flag which
true_flag <- which(flag)

cat("Flag vector is:", flag)
cat("Positions for which Flag is TRUE are:", true_flag)
Positions for which Flag is TRUE are: 1 4

The function Which – Application

which() can be used to delete certain entries from a vector x

  • Create a flag vector by using

    • flag <- condition(x)
  • condition() is any function which returns T/F vector of same length as x

  • Delete entries flagged by condition using the code

    • x[ -which(flag) ]

The function Which – Application


# Create numeric vector x
x <- c(5, -2.3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 8, 10, 40221, -8)

# Print x
cat("Vector x is:", x)

# Flag positive components of x
flag_pos_x <- (x > 0)

# Remove positive components from x
 x <- x[ -which(flag_pos_x) ]

# Print x again
cat("Vector x with positive components removed:", x)
Vector x is: 5 -2.3 4 4 4 6 8 10 40221 -8
Vector x with positive components removed: -2.3 -8

Functions that create vectors

The main functions to generate vectors are

  • c() concatenate
  • seq() sequence
  • rep() replicate

We have already met c() and seq() but there are more details to discuss


Recall: c() generates a vector containing the input values

# Generate a vector of values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# Print the vector
[1] 1 2 3 4 5


  • c() can also concatenate vectors
  • This was you can add entries to an existing vector
# Create 2 vectors
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
y <- c(6, 7, 8)

# Concatenate vectors x and y, and also add element 9
z <- c(x, y, 9)

# Print the resulting vector
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


  • You can assign names to vector elements

  • This modifies the way the vector is printed

# We specify a vector with 3 named entries
x <- c(first = "Red", second = "Green", third = "Blue")

# Print the named vector
  first  second   third 
  "Red" "Green"  "Blue" 


Given a named vector x

  • Names can be extracted with names(x)
  • Values can be extracted with unname(x)
# Create named vector
x <- c(first = "Red", second = "Green", third = "Blue")

# Access names of x via names(x)
names_x <- names(x)

# Access values of x via unname(x)
values_x <- unname(x)

cat("Names of x are:", names(x))
cat("Values of x are:", unname(x))
Names of x are: first second third
Values of x are: Red Green Blue


  • All elements of a vector have the same type
  • Concatenating vectors of different types leads to conversion
c(FALSE, 2)        # Converts FALSE to 0
[1] 0 2

c(pi, "stats")     # Converts pi to string 
[1] "3.14159265358979" "stats"           

c(TRUE, "stats")   # Converts TRUE to string
[1] "TRUE"  "stats"


  • Recall the syntax of seq is
    • seq(from =, to =, by =, length.out =)
  • Omitting the third argument assumes that by = 1
# The following generates a vector of integers from 1 to 6
x <- seq(1, 6)

[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6


  • seq(x1, x2) is equivalent to x1:x2
  • Syntax x1:x2 is preferred to seq(x1, x2)
# Generate two vectors of integers from 1 to 6
x <- seq(1, 6)
y <- 1:6

cat("Vector x is:", x)
cat("Vector y is:", y)
cat("They are the same!")
Vector x is: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Vector y is: 1 2 3 4 5 6
They are the same!


rep generates repeated values from a vector:

  • x vector
  • n integer
  • rep(x, n) repeats n times the vector x
# Create a vector with 3 components
x <- c(2, 1, 3)

# Repeats 4 times the vector x
y <- rep(x, 4)

cat("Original vector is:", x)
cat("Original vector repeated 4 times:", y)
Original vector is: 2 1 3
Original vector repeated 4 times: 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3


The second argument of rep() can also be a vector:

  • Given x and y vectors
  • rep(x, y) repeats entries of x as many times as corresponding entries of y
x <- c(2, 1, 3)         # Vector to replicate
y <- c(1, 2, 3)         # Vector saying how to replicate 

z <- rep(x, y)          # 1st entry of x is replicated 1 time
                        # 2nd entry of x is replicated 2 times
                        # 3rd entry of x is replicated 3 times

cat("Original vector is:", x)
cat("Original vector repeated is:", z)
Original vector is: 2 1 3
Original vector repeated is: 2 1 1 3 3 3


  • rep() can be useful to create vectors of labels
  • Example: Suppose we want to collect some numeric data on 3 Cats and 4 Dogs
x <- c("Cat", "Dog")     # Vector to replicate

y <- rep(x, c(3, 4))     # 1st entry of x is replicated 3 times
                         # 2nd entry of x is replicated 4 times

cat("Vector of labels is:", y)
Vector of labels is: Cat Cat Cat Dog Dog Dog Dog

Part 3:


  • Vectors can contain only one data type (number, character, boolean)

  • Lists are data structures that can contain any R object

  • Lists can be created similarly to vectors, with the command list()

# List containing a number, a vector, and a string
my_list <- list(2, c(T,F,T,T), "hello")

# Print the list
[1] 2


[1] "hello"

Retrieving elements

Elements of a list can be retrieved by indexing

  • my_list[[k]] returns k-th element of my_list

# Consider again the same list
my_list <- list(2, c(T,F,T,T), "hello")

# Access 2nd element of my_list and store it in variable
second_element <- my_list[[2]]

# In this case the variable second_element is a vector

List slicing

You can return multiple items of a list via slicing

  • my_list[c(k1, ..., kn)] returns elements in positions k1, ..., kn
  • my_list[k1:k2] returns elements k1 to k2
my_list <- list(2, c(T,F), "Cat", "Dog", pi, 42)

# We store 1st, 3rd, 5th entries of my_list in slice
slice <- my_list[c(1, 3, 5)]

[1] 2

[1] "Cat"

[1] 3.141593

List slicing

my_list <- list(2, c(T,F), "Cat", "Dog", pi, 42)

# We store 2nd to 4th entries of my_list in slice
slice <- my_list[2:4]


[1] "Cat"

[1] "Dog"


  • Components of a list can be named. Names can be assigned with
    • names(my_list) <- c("name_1", ..., "name_k")
# Create list with 3 elements
my_list <- list(2, c(T,F,T,T), "hello")

# Name each of the 3 elements
names(my_list) <- c("number", "TF_vector", "string")

# Print the named list: the list is printed along with element names 
[1] 2


[1] "hello"

Accessing a name

  • A component of my_list named my_name can be accessed with dollar operator
    • my_list$my_name
# Create list with 3 elements and name them
my_list <- list(2, c(T,F,T,T), "hello")
names(my_list) <- c("number", "TF_vector", "string")

# Access 2nd element using dollar operator and store it in variable
second_component <- my_list$TF_vector

# Print 2nd element

Part 4:
Data Frames

Data Frames

  • Data Frames are the best way of presenting a data set in R:

    • Each variable has assigned a collection of recorded observations
  • Data frames can contain any R object

  • Data Frames are similar to Lists, with the difference that:

    • Members of a Data Frame must all be vectors of equal length

Constructing a Data Frame

  • Data frames are constructed similarly to lists, using data.frame()

  • Important: Elements of data frame must be vectors of the same length

  • Example: We construct the Family Guy data frame. Variables are

    • person – Name of character
    • age – Age of character
    • sex – Sex of character
family <- data.frame(
  person = c("Peter", "Lois", "Meg", "Chris", "Stewie"),
  age = c(42, 40, 17, 14, 1),
  sex = c("M", "F" , "F", "M", "M")

Printing a Data Frame

  • R prints data frames like matrices
  • First row contains vector names
  • First column contains row names
  • Data are paired: e.g. Peter is 42 and Male
family <- data.frame(
  person = c("Peter", "Lois", "Meg", "Chris", "Stewie"),
  age = c(42, 40, 17, 14, 1),
  sex = c("M", "F" , "F", "M", "M")

  person age sex
1  Peter  42   M
2   Lois  40   F
3    Meg  17   F
4  Chris  14   M
5 Stewie   1   M

Extracting data

  • Think of a data frame as a matrix

  • You can extract element in position (m,n) by using

    • my_data[m, n]
  • Example: Peter is in 1st row. We can extract Peter’s name as follows

extracted <- family[1, 1]

[1] "Peter"

Extracting data

To extract multiple elements on the same row or column type

  • my_data[c(k1,...,kn), m] \quad or \quad my_data[k1:k2, m]
  • my_data[n, c(k1,...,km)] \quad or \quad my_data[n, k1:k2]

Example: Meg is listed in 3rd row. We extract her age and sex

meg_data <- family[3, 2:3]

  age sex
3  17   F

Extracting data

To extract entire rows or columns type

  • my_data[c(k1,...,kn), ] \quad or \quad my_data[k1:k2, ]
  • my_data[, c(k1,...,km)] \quad or \quad my_data[, k1:k2]
peter_data <- family[1, ]      # Extracts first row - Peter
sex_age <- family[, c(3,2)]    # Extracts third and second columns:
                               # sex and age

  person age sex
1  Peter  42   M
  sex age
1   M  42
2   F  40
3   F  17
4   M  14
5   M   1

Extracting data

Use dollar operator to access data frame columns

  • Suppose data set my_data contains a variable called my_variable
  • my_data$my_variable accesses column my_variable
  • my_data$my_variable is a vector

Example: To access age in the family data frame type

ages <- family$age        # Stores ages in a vector

cat("Ages of the Family Guy characters are", ages)
cat("Meg's age is", ages[3])
Ages of the Family Guy characters are 42 40 17 14 1
Meg's age is 17

Size of a data frame

The size of a data frame can be discovered using:

  • nrow(my_data) \quad number of rows
  • ncol(my_data) \quad number of columns
  • dim(my_data) \quad \quad vector containing number of rows and columns
family_dim <- dim(family)    # Stores dimensions of family in a vector

cat("The Family Guy data frame has", family_dim[1], 
    "rows and", family_dim[2], "columns")
The Family Guy data frame has 5 rows and 3 columns

Adding Data

Adding data to an existing data frame my_data

  • Add more records (adding to rows)
    • Create single row data frame new_record
    • new_record must match the structure of my_data
    • Add to my_data with my_data <- rbind(my_data, new_record)
  • Add a set of observations for a new variable (adding to columns)
    • Create a vector new_variable
    • new_variable must have as many components as rows in my_data
    • Add to my_data with my_data <- cbind(my_data, new_variable)

Example: Add new record

  • Consider the usual Family Guy data frame family
  • Suppose we want to add data for Brian
  • Create a new record: a single row data frame with columns
    • person, age, sex
new_record <- data.frame(
  person = "Brian",
  age = 7,
  sex = "M"

  person age sex
1  Brian   7   M

Example: Add new record

  • Now we add new_record to family
family <- rbind(family, new_record)

  person age sex
1  Peter  42   M
2   Lois  40   F
3    Meg  17   F
4  Chris  14   M
5 Stewie   1   M
6  Brian   7   M

Example: Add new variable

  • We want to add a new variable to the Family Guy data frame family
  • This variable is called funny
  • It records how funny each character is, with levels
    • Low, Med, High
  • Create a vector funny with entries matching each character (including Brian)
funny <- c("High", "High", "Low", "Med", "High", "Med")

[1] "High" "High" "Low"  "Med"  "High" "Med" 

Example: Add new variable

  • Add funny to the Family Guy data frame family
family <- cbind(family, funny)

  person age sex funny
1  Peter  42   M  High
2   Lois  40   F  High
3    Meg  17   F   Low
4  Chris  14   M   Med
5 Stewie   1   M  High
6  Brian   7   M   Med

Adding a new variable: alternative way

Instead of using cbind we can add a new varibale using dollar operator:

  • We want to add a variable called new_variable
  • Create a vector v containing values for the new variable
  • v must have as many components as rows in my_data
  • Add to my_data with my_data$new_variable <- v

Adding a new variable: alternative way


  • We add age expressed in months to the Family Guy data frame family
  • Age in months can be computed by multiplying vector family$age by 12
v <- family$age * 12       # Computes vector of ages in months

family$age.months <- v     # Stores vector as new column in family

  person age sex funny age.months
1  Peter  42   M  High        504
2   Lois  40   F  High        480
3    Meg  17   F   Low        204
4  Chris  14   M   Med        168
5 Stewie   1   M  High         12
6  Brian   7   M   Med         84

Logical Record Subsets

  • We saw how to use logical flag vectors to subset vectors

  • We can use logical flag vectors to subset data frames as well

  • Suppose to have data frame my_data containing a variable my_variable

  • Want to subset records in my_data for which my_variable satisfies a condition

  • Use commands

    • flag <- condition(my_data$my_variable)
    • my_data[flag, ]

Logical Record Subsets


  • Consider again the Family Guy data frame family
  • We subset Male characters using flag family$sex == "M"
# Create flag vector for male Family Guy characters
flag <- (family$sex == "M")

# Subset data frame "family" and store in data frame "subset"
subset <- family[flag, ]

# Print subset
  person age sex funny age.months
1  Peter  42   M  High        504
4  Chris  14   M   Med        168
5 Stewie   1   M  High         12
6  Brian   7   M   Med         84

Part 5:
Data Entry

Reading data from files

  • R has a many functions for reading characters from stored files

  • We will see how to read Table-Format files

  • Table-Formats are just tables stored in plain-text files

  • Typical file estensions are:

    • .txt for plain-text files
    • .csv for comma-separated values
  • Table-Formats can be read into R with the command

    • read.table()


4 key features

  1. Header:
    • If present, header should be the first line of the file
    • Header is used to provide names for each column of data
    • If a header is present, you need to tell this to R when importing
    • If not, R cannot tell if first line is a header or observed data values


4 key features

  1. Delimiter:
    • A character used to separate the entries in each line
    • Delimiter character cannot be used for anything else in the file
    • Delimiter tells R when a specific entry begins and ends
    • Default delimiter is whitespace


4 key features

  1. Missing value:
    • Character string used exclusively to denote a missing value
    • When reading the file, R will turn these entries into NA


4 key features

    • Table files can include comments
    • Comment lines start with \quad #
    • R ignores such comments



  • Table-Format for Family Guy characters can be downloaded here family_guy.txt
  • The text file looks like this

  • Remarks:
    • Header is present
    • Delimiter is whitespace
    • Missing values denoted by *

read.table command

  • Table-Formats can be read via read.table()
    • This reads a .txt or .csv file and outputs a data frame
  • Options of read.table()
    • header = T/F – Tells R if a header is present
    • na.strings = "string" – Tells R that "string" means NA

Reading our first Table-Format file

To read family_guy.txt into R proceed as follows:

  1. Download family_guy.txt and move file to Desktop

  2. Open the R Console and change working directory to Desktop

# In MacOS type

# In Windows type

Reading our first Table-Format file

  1. Read family_guy.txt into R and store it in data frame family with code
family = read.table(file = "family_guy.txt",
                    header = TRUE,
                    na.strings = "*"
  1. Note that we are telling read.table() that
    • family_guy.txt has a header
    • Missing values are denoted by *

Reading our first Table-Format file

  1. Print data frame family to screen
  person age sex funny age.mon
1  Peter  NA   M  High     504
2   Lois  40   F  <NA>     480
3    Meg  17   F   Low     204
4  Chris  14   M   Med     168
5 Stewie   1   M  High      NA
6  Brian  NA   M   Med      NA
  • For comparison this is the .txt file

Application: t-test

Example: Analysis of Consumer Confidence Index for 2008 crisis from Lecture 4

  • We imported data into R using c()
  • This is ok for small datasets
  • Suppose the CCI data is stored in a .txt file instead

Goal: Perform t-test on CCI difference for mean difference \mu = 0

  • By reading CCI data into R using read.table()
  • By manipulating CCI data using data frames

Application: t-test

  • The CCI dataset can be downloaded here 2008_crisis.txt

  • The text file looks like this

Application: t-test

To perform the t-test on data 2008_crisis.txt we proceed as follows:

  1. Download dataset 2008_crisis.txt and move file to Desktop

  2. Open the R Console and change working directory to Desktop

# In MacOS type

# In Windows type
  1. Read 2008_crisis.txt into R and store it in data frame scores with code
scores = read.table(file = "2008_crisis",
                    header = TRUE

Application: t-test

  1. Store 2nd and 3rd columns of scores into 2 vectors
# CCI from 2007 is stored in 2nd column
score_2007 <- scores[, 2]

# CCI from 2009 is stored in 3nd column
score_2009 <- scores[, 3]
  1. Now the t-test can be performed as done in Lecture 4
# Compute vector of differences
difference <- score_2007 - score_2009

# Perform t-test on difference with null hypothesis mu = 0
t.test(difference, mu = 0)

Application: t-test

  1. We obtain the same result of Lecture 4
    • p-value is p < 0.05
    • Reject H_0: The mean difference is not 0
    • In details, the output of t.test is below

    One Sample t-test

data:  difference
t = 38.144, df = 11, p-value = 4.861e-13
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 68.15960 76.50706
sample estimates:
mean of x 

Part 6:
R Style Guide

R Style Guide

  • Styling your code is optional
  • However it is considered good manners to do so
  • Good coding style makes code more readable
  • Highly recommended, especially for assignments
  • The next few slides on Style are based on these two posts:
    • Style Guide by Hadley Wickham (link)
    • Google’s R Style Guide (link)

File names

They should be meaningful and end in .R

# Good

# Bad
footballmodels.r # Hard to read
stuff.r          # What is inside this file?
code.r           # Same as above

Objects names

  • Objects names shoulde be lowercase
  • Use an underscore (_) to separate words within a name
  • Variable names should be nouns, not verbs
  • Come up with names that are concise and meaningful
# Good
day_one  # This will clearly store the value of first day
day_1    # Still clear

# Bad
first_day_of_the_month  # Too long
dayone                  # Hard to read
DayOne                  # Mix of upper and lower case
fdm                     # Hard to guess what this means

Functions names

  • Name functions with BigCamelCase (link)
  • This is to clearly distinguish functions from other objects
  • Functions names should be verbs
  • Come up with names that are concise and meaningful
# Good
DoNothing <- function() {

# Bad
donothing <- function() {

Object and functions names

If possible avoid using names of existing functions and variables

# Bad
T <- FALSE                  # T is reserved for the boolean TRUE
c <- 10                     # c denotes the concatenation operator
mean <- function(x) sum(x)  # mean already denotes a built in function


Use <- and not = for assignment

# Good
x <- 5

# Bad
x = 5


  • Spacing is really something you should be careful about
  • Place spaces around all infix operators (=, +, -, <-, etc.)
  • Place spaces around = when calling a function
  • Always put a space after a comma, never before (like in regular English)
# Good
average <- mean(feet / 12 + inches, na.rm = TRUE)

# Bad

Spacing with Brackets

  • Do not place spaces around code in parentheses or square brackets
  • Unless there is a comma
# Good
if (condition) do(x)
diamonds[5, ]

# Bad
if ( condition ) do(x)  # No spaces around condition
x[1,]                   # Needs a space after the comma
x[1 ,]                  # Space goes after comma not before

Spacing - Exceptions

  • Symbols :, :: and ::: do not need spacing
# Good
x <- 1:10

# Bad
x <- 1 : 10
  • Place a space before left parentheses, except in a function call
if (condition) do(x)
plot(x, y)

# Bad
if(condition)do(x)    # (condition) needs spacing
plot (x, y)           # This does not need spacing

Extra Spacing

Extra spacing is ok if it improves alignment of = or <-

  total = a + b + c, 
  mean  = (a + b + c) / n

Curly braces

  • An opening curly brace should never go on its own line
  • An opening curly brace should always be followed by a new line
  • Always indent the code inside curly braces
# Good

if (y < 0 && debug) {
  message("Y is negative")

if (y == 0) {
# Bad

if (y < 0 && debug)
message("Y is negative")

if (y == 0) 

Line length

  • Limit code to 80 characters per line
  • This fits comfortably on a printed page
  • If you run out of room, encapsulate some of the work in separate function


  • When indenting your code, use two spaces
  • Never use tabs or mix tabs and spaces
  • Indentation should be used for functions, if, for, etc.
SumTwoNumbers <- function(x, y) {
  s = x + y

Indentation - Exception

If a function definition runs over multiple lines, indent the second line to where the definition starts

long_function_name <- function(a = "a long argument", 
                               b = "another argument",
                               c = "another long argument") {
  # As usual code is indented by two spaces.

Use explicit returns

  • Functions can return objects
  • R has an implicit return feature
  • Do not rely on this feature, but explicitly mention return(object)
# Good
AddValues <- function(x, y) {
  return(x + y)                     # Function returns x+y

# Bad
AddValues <- function(x, y) {
  x + y                             # Function still returns x+y
}                                   # but it is not immediate to see it

Named arguments

  • Often you can call a function without explicitly naming arguments:

    • plot(height, weight)
    • mean(weight)
  • This might be fine for plot() or mean

  • However for less common functions:

    • One might struggle to remember the meaning of arguments positions
    • It is therefore good practice to name arguments
# Good
seq(from = 1, to = 11, by = 1)

# Bad
seq(1, 11, 1)


  • Most importantly: Comment your code
  • Each line of a comment should begin with comment symbol # and a single space
# Here we sum two numbers  
  • Use commented lines of - and = to break up code into easily readable chunks
# Load data ---------------------------

# Plot data ---------------------------